welcome to this story
My name is ArunDitha (Arun~Light, Ditha ~ Beloved Daughter). The D in my name is capitalised because first there is light, and second I am daughter. Daughter of this planet and of the mothers who came before me. Daughter of the unseen animate realm. Yet also I am creātrīx, which rom classical Latin translates to mother, creatress, authoress of a situation. The creātrīx births creations.
Through sadness and joy, the inner revolutions of my reality are the toroidal field which makes my life bloom. When I write and sing, when I move and teach, my shapes find recognition of themselves. That which was lost crystallises into coherence. It is from this coherence that I am able to decenter myself and centre the earth, the goddess, shadowy and undiscovered illumination abound.
Everything is alive, even what is commonly perceived as inanimate. Everything is sacred, even what has been perhaps labelled as profane. This is one of the fundamental perspectives held within shamanic and tantric worldviews, which I inhabit in a multitude of ways.
My story is simple. I was born to do this. Of course it has taken lifetimes, and in this life, decades of work to get here, but there were seeds. All I do is honour my seeds. Perhaps some part of you resonates with a similar knowing; there is a reason for you being here, however modest or grandiose.
This is the best way I know how to continue when it gets hard. Hope keeps me thriving. Art keeps me thriving. Service keeps me thriving. The path keeps me thriving. Joy in the little things and gratitude keep me going. Mother earth and father sky hold me. The ancestors speak from my heart and tongue. I share all of it with you because I have to and it is my reason for Being.

Once, there was a little girl who was in a lot of pain. Her parents were lost and violent. Her addictions were deep. There was poverty and doubt on a daily basis.
creative expression saved her life
2013 - Present
Performed music with projects like Wobology, The Ditha Project. Mantravine and producer Kiat on large and small stages across Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Barcelona, Australia, New Zealand, Germany and Singapore.
2013 - Present
Published two books of poetry and toured two one-woman poetry shows, resident poet at LCB (Berlin) and The Marpha Foundation (Nepal). Resident at The Watermill Centre (Long Island, NY) Commissioned and toured in Germany, UK, US, Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia and Barcelona. My poems have been published by Penguin Random House and The Straits Times and i've also shared twice on the TEDx stage.
2008 - Present
Actress for Disney Asia, Singapore Repertory Theatre, Mediacorp Channel 5, pilots and short films, TV host for OKTO and Channel News Asia. Lots of stage and screen experience.
2007 - Present
Trained in performance and facilitation from a young age. Began teaching in classrooms in 2010. I have formally studied Acting, Singing, Applied Drama, Contemporary Theatre, Psychology, Teaching and Learning, Biofield Healing, Various Energy Healing Techniques, Shamanic Practice, Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique, Beyond Quantum Healing. I am always engaged in formal and self-study of something new.